The System Settings feature enables you to customize the settings associated with your drivers, vehicles, company and terminal information, and email alerts. You can configure settings across your entire fleet, or you can customize settings for sub-groups within your organization if you would like to vary settings for particular groups. For example, you may want to create separate settings for drivers based on their different Hours of Service & compliance specifications, or create separate settings for vehicles based on performance settings (fleet speed limit threshold, idling threshold, etc.).

  • Authority GroupsAuthority Groups provide ad-hoc association of Vehicles and Drivers for specific Operational Authorities
  • Company GroupsCompany Group Settings allow grouping of divisions of an organization
  • Driver GroupsSettings which apply to categories of Drivers
  • General SettingsGeneral Settings apply to the entire DataStore
  • Global Email AlertsHidden from page, only used for excerpt snippet in parent page link
  • Manager RolesManager Roles support authorization or restriction of what a Manager may perform
  • Terminal GroupsTerminal Groups provide the Drivers Terminal for HOS, Authority Configuration, and Vehicle association for Hierarchy
  • Vehicle GroupsSettings which apply to categories of Vehicles
  • Vehicle Type GroupsSettings which apply to categories of Vehicle Types