
How does Daylight Savings Time (DST) work with my ELOGs?



  1. The way Daylight Savings Time works with the unit is that the unit will be locked for one full hour from 12AM until 1AM. The time on the unit will start AGAIN at 12 AM, starting a "Second" 12 AM. This will indicate that the time change has completed. Please note that the time change will occur based on the driver's terminal time (the time on the unit). This time shift is designed to be seamless; no interaction from the driver is needed.
  2. During the time change, the black notification area of the HOS screen will feature a message stating: "Please wait while software adjusts for time change. This will complete in XX:XX (countdown to reset completion)."
  3. The general recommendation is that, IF possible, going Off-Duty, and receiving a reset through the night before and the morning of the time change, is the best course of action.


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