Sometimes a driver will make an incorrect entry, or forget to make an entry. It is possible to make an edit to correct your logs. 

  1. From the main menu, tap the HOS icon
  2. Go to the logs tab and tap on the day with the status you want to change. 
  3. In the next screen, tap the List tab, then on the entry you want to change. 
  4. Tap on the status you want to change. In this case, On-duty
  5. Tap the status that you want to change to. In this case, Off-Duty
  6. Tap the Remark you want. In this case, End of Shift
  7. If the preview looks good in the next screen, tap Submit.
  8. In the next screen, tap the reason for the edit. In this case, Log Correction.
  9. The list will now show your correction.