The Administration Service provides administrative operations

Click here for the Service Description WSDL and Annotated XSDs

Recent Updates:

  • ENHANCED in v2.0.106 - 03/24/2022
    • Driver First and Last name maximum length expanded to 30/31 chars respectively
    • Driver FullName maximum length expanded to 61chars

  • NEW FEATURES in v2.0.102 - 03/10/2018
    • Settings Group Membership Assignment for Vehicles on Vehicle, Vehicle Type and Terminal

    • AuthorityGroupAssignment operation response ‘errors’ element has been changed to “Errors” due to issues it caused with newer java wsdlimport

      Response Example prior to 01/25/2018 v2.0.101:

      Response Example after 01/25/2018 v2.0.101:

    • Carrier_GetAll default namespace has been changed to AdminService_v2
      • The service will detect if the client request uses DataService_v2 and will rewrite the response to use that namespace to prevent breaking change. Otherwise, the service will respond with the correct NS of AdminService_v2

        Example using incorrect DataService_v2 Namespace - Service will rewrite response to match to prevent breaking client integrations developed before 01/25/2018 v2.0.101:

        Example using default namespace of AdminService_v2 Namespace after 01/25/2018 v2.0.101:

  • NEW in v2.0.100 - 11/01/2017
    • Update to support new backend framework. No API changes are being made at this time
  • NEW in v2.0.90
  • NEW 02/2015: Support for Multiple Operating Authority and Hierarchical Reporting Groups
    • Terminal Setting configurations(s)
    • Authority Group Membership management
    • Existing ReportingGroup_GetAll operation will automatically include Hierarchical Reporting Groups and Membership (if enabled). Expand the following section for detail on how the Heirarchical groupId is comprised using a HIGH WORD and LOW WORD in a single integer value. This example also includes example code for encoding/decoding the value

      • The ID of a Hierarchical reporting group will be comprised using "Hi word, Lo word": (CompanyId * 2^16) + TerminalId
        This will produce result where:
        • Value does not complete with existing Custom Reporting Groups
        • Value is a positive integer (does not require any change to Vendor software)
        • Value is easily/accurately encoded and decoded to/from HiLo value
        • CompanyId has a ceiling of 32768 (set at 30k to provide a buffer if needed in the future)
        • TerminalId has a ceiling of 65535 (set at 60k to provide a buffer if needed in the future)

          1. A Company Level Hierarchical Reporting Group:
            CompanyId = 201
            CompanyName = BurgerKing
            HierarchicalReportingGroupId = 13172736
            HierarchicalReportingGroupName = "BurgerKing" (Company Name Only)

          2. A Terminal Level Hierarchical Reporting Group:
            CompanyId = 201
            CompanyName = BurgerKing
            TerminalId = 54
            TerminalName = Denver102
            HierarchicalReportingGroupId = 13172790
            HierarchicalReportingGroupName = "BurgerKing - Denver102"

        • Existing structure is not affected:

      Encoding and Decoding LOW HIGH WORD value - this does not apply the additional ^ or root math
       namespace LOWHIGHWORD_EncodeDecodeId
          class Program
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  if(args == null || args.Length < 1)
                      Console.WriteLine("Provide Arguments for either Encoding or Decoding as follows: ");
                      Console.WriteLine("  To Encode: LOWvalue HIGHvalue(optional, defaults to 1)");
                      Console.WriteLine("  To Decode: value");
                  else if(args[0].Length <= 4)
                      var encoded = MAKELONG(Convert.ToInt16(args[0].Replace("DT", "")), args.Length == 2 ? Convert.ToInt16(args[1]) : (short)1);
                      var low = LOWORD(encoded);
                      var high = HIWORD(encoded);
                      Console.WriteLine($"EncodedId for LOW {low} and HIGH {high} is {encoded}");
                  else if(args[0].Length > 4)
                      var encoded = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
                      Console.WriteLine($"EncodedId {encoded} contains LOW {LOWORD(encoded)} and HIGH {HIWORD(encoded)}");
              static short MAKEWORD(byte a, byte b)
                  return ((short)(((byte)(a & 0xff)) | ((short)((byte)(b & 0xff))) << 8));
              public static byte LOBYTE(short a)
                  return ((byte)(a & 0xff));
              public static byte HIBYTE(short a)
                  return ((byte)(a >> 8));
              public static int MAKELONG(short a, short b)
                  return (((int)(a & 0xffff)) | (((int)(b & 0xffff)) << 16));
              public static short HIWORD(int a)
                  return ((short)(a >> 16));
              public static short LOWORD(int a)
                  return ((short)(a & 0xffff));

API Examples