The Unassigned Driving report provides information on HOS drive time that has not yet been attributed to a specific driver. The Unassigned Driving report can be run for a selected vehicle or vehicle group.

The Unassigned Driving report provides information on HOS drive time that has not yet been attributed to a specific driver. The Unassigned Driving report can be run for a selected vehicle or vehicle group.


Check the reviewed check box if it is reviewed make any comments required and submit to review an unassigned driving.

Bold-ed row indicates that the 'Driver Before' the unassigned segment and the 'Driver(s) After' match (see image below):

How to assign Driving from the Unassigned Driving report.
1. Click on the line for the segment you found that you want to assign.
2. Choose the driver from the list of likely drivers or pick one from the dropdown.
3. Click Next
4. On the log that comes up you can choose Assign from any of the segments there.
       a. All unassigned segments from the day will be listed there not just the one you clicked on originally. You can assign any number of them.
       b. When you click Assign it automatically includes the On-duty that closes the Driving segment out.
5. Click Submit Edit to send the change(s) to the driver so they can accept and certify.