This Glossary is designed to help describe, understand terms and acronyms used in the Technical Support website


Add -

Aeris -

Audit -

Backlight - Keep the display lit for drivers and users to be able to use the unit at all times of the day

Bootup - The act of the unit powering on and starting from an "off" state.

Change -

Conversion - Updating a unit to receive cellular service from a new provider.

Create -

Detect -

Displayscreen, touch screen, monitor - The touchscreen of the unit

Drive -

Driving -

DTScan - Application used in order to use a portable scanner with the TruckPC

Email -

Enforcement -

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Featureset -

Froze -


Fuel -

HD100 - ELD used to keep track of HOS

HOS - Hours of Service - This is used to keep track of the driver's logs and all log calculations are done on the ELD.

How To Article - How To -

Intelliroute -

JIRA Report -

KB How To Article -

KB Troubleshooting Article -

Kernel -

Law -

Library -

Library Sync -

Line -

Log(s)* -

MCT - TPC, TruckPC -

Message -

Messaging -

Modem -

Movement -

New -

Officer -

On-Duty -

Patch -

Plan -

Power -

Registry -

Remotecon -

Roadside -

Scanning -

Screen -

Sensor -

Settings -

Sprint - Cell provider for the cellular communication on the unit

Startup -

Status report -

Time -

Timers -

TND - ELD used to keep track of HOS

Touchscreen -

TPC/TruckPC - ELD used to keep track of HOS

USB - Universal Serial Bus - This is the type of port used to connect external devices

View -


Volume -

Xerox -

Zeus -