Provides summary and detail of Landmark Geofence Entry, Duration and Exit Events

Provides summary and detail of Landmark Geofence Entry, Duration and Exit Events


Landmark Events will only be generated from ELD running v6.06+

Grid Layout

Landmark Events Summary Row & Individual Event Row

The Landmark Events grid is made up of the main 'Parent' Events Summary Rows and the sub-grid 'Child' Individual Event Rows (see image above).

Summary Row:

The parent Summary Row contains the summary information of a particular Landmark for the entirety of time spent inside the Landmark.

Individual Event Row(s):

The child Individual Event Row(s) contain the single event that triggered on the parent Landmark. There are 4 main individual event types:

Customize Columns

Many columns are sort-able, see image instructions below on how to further customize the columns:

Reorder, Add and/or Remove any columns on the Summary Rows by click on the 'Columns' button


Reorder, Add and/or Remove any columns on the Individual Event Rows by click on the '' button