The DriverTech ELD API is built using gRPC. To learn how to generate a proxy for accessing DT APIs, please visit this site:

Administrative API 


AdminGetUserReturns an updated UserModel based on the UserModel passed in. This can be requested from the server when bRequestFromServer is set to True.UserModel, bRequestFromServer
AdminGetLoggedOnUserReturns the UserModel for the currently logged in user. 
AdminGetCommInfoReturns CommInfoModel. 
AdminGetSystemInfoReturns SystemInfoModel. 
AdminGetVehicleInfoReturns VehicleInfoModel. 
AdminGetPositionReturns GPSModel. 
AdminGetLocationReturns a string for the current location in the following format: "CITY,STATE ABBREVIATION" ex: SALT LAKE CITY,UT 
AdminSendPositionSends the truck's position to the back end. 
AdminMotionInterlockReturns True if the vehicle is currently in motion interlock. 
AdminGetFormAutoFillReturns FormAutoFillModel. 




HOSWithinAYardReturns True if the vehicle is within a Yard.
bWithinYard, bDisableGUI
HOSIsYardModeDisabledReturns True if Yard Move Mode is disabled. 
HOSIsPCModeDisabledReturns True if Personal Conveyance Mode is disabled. 
HOSDisablePCModeSet an additional check for Personal Conveyance Mode by passing a boolean bDisable.bDisable
HOSGetOverviewReturns HOSOverviewModel. 


Message API


MsgGetByIDReturns a MsgModel. Create a default instance of MsgModel with the msgID and pass it as the parameter to get the other attributes returned in a MsgModel.MsgModel
MsgGetListReturns a list of MsgModel's depending on the parameter passed.MsgFolder
MsgSendSends a message and returns the altered MsgModel which was passed as a parameter.MsgModel
MsgDeleteDeletes a message using the parameter.MsgModel 
MsgMarkAsReadMarks a message as read for the back end.MsgModel 
MsgUpdateTrailersUpdates the trailers passed as parameters.trailer1 : string, trailer2 : string, trailer3 : string
MsgUpdateBOLUpdates the Bill of Lading.bol : string
MsgGetFormListReturns a list of FormEntryModel's which will be sorted if the parameter passed is True.bSortAlpha : bool
MsgGetDefinitionReturns a FormDefModel.FormDefModel


XMessage API


XMsgRxListReturns a list of XMsgModel's.appID : int32
XMsgSendCreates a XMsgModel from the parameters that are passed and sends : bytes, thirdPartyKey : int32, timeOut : int32, appID : int32
XMsgGetReturns an XMsgModel based on the parameter.msgID : int32
XMsgDeleteDeletes an XMsgModel based on the parameter.msgID : int32



1 Comment

  1. Recommendations:
    1) Generate the doc from the interface file ... not sure if this is possible, or could be done with code instead but will make create/maint of this doc much each (for example, see this which was generated from XSD: FleetWatcherAPI)
    2) Include a 'tools and resources' section at the top of the page: