Target release
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner

Mike Stephenson

DesignerTaber Loveless
DevelopersTaber Loveless

Current Status & Notes

Last Update: 6/25/2014

  1. Documented Ken Crane's interest in exposing the terminal information to web services
  2. Will take 2-4 weeks to develop and implement new web service calls that USX is asking for.
    1. Update/set the driver terminal
    2. Update/set the driver settings group (i.e., HOS)

  3. Needs to be scheduled per Ken Crane request made on 6/25.


  • USX would like to be able to update terminal information using web service calls.
  • USX would also like to be able to update Settings Groups via web services

Background and strategic fit



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Assign TerminalAs a user, I want to have the ability to assign a driver to a home terminal via web servicesMust Have 
2Change Assigned TerminalAs a user, I want to have the ability to assign a driver to a home terminal via web servicesMust Have 
5Assign System Settings Driver GroupAs a user, I want the ability to assign a driver to a driver settings groupMust Have 
6Assign System Settings Vehicle GroupAs a user, I want the ability to assign a vehicle to a vehicle settings groupNeeds Confirmation 
7Change Assigned System Settings Driver GroupAs a user, I want the ability to change the driver settings group that a driver is assigned to.Must Have 
8Change Assigned System Settings Vehicle GroupAs a user, I want the ability to change the vehicle settings group that a vehicle is assigned to.Needs Confirmation 

User interaction and design


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

USXDo we need to allow update/set vehicle settings group?

Not Doing

  • Creating/Editing Terminals and changing settings will continue to be done within FleetWatcher; Only the assignment of Settings Groups and Terminals will be done through web services.