
DVIR Sync Required/Purple link Icon


  1. Verify the tablet has been updated with the latest connector board
    1. Ask the driver to locate the S/N and the “A” sticker on the back of the tablet case itself
      1. If the driver states that it does not have this, it would indicate that the tablet has an older version of the connector board that is known to have connection/charging issues
  2. Check Tablet Connection 
    1. If the unit is on 1.05.02 or lower (-), undock the tablet to see if the link turns purple
    2. If the unit is on or above (+), the link will show purple inside the dock
  3. Reboot Tablet
    1. Have the driver undock the tablet and log out of the device then press the power button and select "Tablet Restart"
  4. Wait for the tablet to boot back up and the DT Software to start
  5. Redock the tablet and wait approximately 60 seconds
    1. The link should turn green and remain green
      1. If the unit is on 1.05.02-, undock the tablet to verify if the link remains green or reverts to purple
      2. If the unit is on, you will be able to see if the link turns either purple or green while the tablet is docked
    2. After the 60 seconds with having the green link icon established, the DVIR should have synced with the tablet automatically

-------If the above steps have been completed and this issue still remains, this is most likely caused by an issue with the DVIR itself and will need to be recreated:

  1. Hit “Clear Stored” 
    1. This will wipe the DVIR’s currently on the tablet and the DVIR that did not sync will need to be recreated
    2. Any other DVIR that has already synced should be on the backend and can be retrieved with no issue
  2. *The link remains purple
    1. If the above steps have all been performed but the link remains purple, this may indicate that this tablet and cradle pair are not able to establish the USB connection that is needed
      1. If another tablet/cradle is in the vicinity, attempt to try a different tablet with this cradle and this tablet on another cradle to see if the link is able to establish
        1. Since a lot of parts with the Rev8 are very intricate and delicate and rely heavily on a physical, manually adjusted connection, there are times we will see a tablet work with a majority of cradles except a couple and vice versa. A simple swap of the tablet to another cradle that it links to is a perfectly viable solution in this case
  3. If the tablet is not able to establish this USB connection on any cradle, please RMA the tablet*

*It is not possible to sync the DVIR while the link is purple. The purple link indicates that the physical USB connection is not established. This connection is necessary to transfer and install files such as software updates to the tablet and any file that goes between the tablet and cradle i.e. Tablet logs, Tablet screenshot, DVIR, CoPilot update, DTAndroid Update etc.