The Current Totals report displays current HOS duty status totals, for a selected driver or driver group and intended for use in Dispatch


The Current Totals contains a single record for each Driver and each record is continuously updated as each Driver progresses thru their shift.
Current Totals are intended to be used in Dispatch Purposes due to reflecting a Drivers 'Current Totals' as near real-time as possible where full HOS Log Records are intended for historical, reporting, and auditing purposes.


Default Sort

The default sort of records utilizes applies a weight to each record designed to help bring those Drivers who will need the most attention into view.  This weighting is also applied when sorting by "Any Violation" descending (arrow up).
The weighting is applied as follows:

  1. Drivers which are IN VIOLATION AND have ELD Malfunction OR Diagnostic Error
  2. Drivers which are IN VIOLATION
  3. Drivers which are DRIVING   SORTED BY  Remaining Effective Drive Time  THEN BY  Remaining OnDuty Today
  4. Drivers which are ONDUTY   SORTED BY  Remaining Effective Drive Time  THEN BY  Remaining OnDuty Today THEN BY  Remaining Total OnDuty
  5. Drivers which are OFFDUTY SORTED BY  Remaining Effective Drive Time  THEN BY  Remaining OnDuty Today THEN BY  Remaining Total OnDuty
  6. Drivers which are SLEEPER SORTED BY  Remaining Effective Drive Time  THEN BY  Remaining OnDuty Today THEN BY  Remaining Total OnDuty
  7. Drivers not in the above        SORTED BY  Remaining Effective Drive Time  THEN BY  Remaining OnDuty Today THEN BY  Remaining Total OnDuty

Show Detail

Show Detail - will display additional columns hidden by default

Group Filter

You many further filter data provided based upon ROD Status of the Driver

Column Filters

Many columns have filters which allow for further narrowing of results to facilitate locating any Drivers matching certain criteria. This is useful, for example, in Load Planning and Matching 

Export to Excel

Columns of the spreadsheet are sortable - Click on the column heading to sort the report according to the specified metric.

Data Provided

Note: Some columns are hidden until[show detail] is selected

Driver NameDriver
Calculated OnDate Time the values provided were Calculated On the ELD
Remaining Effected Drive TimeEffective Daily Driving time the driver has left as of Last Update Time (taking in consideration: time until mandatory break and/or remaining OnDuty and/or remaining total OnDuty)
Projected Max Driving RemainingMaximum projected Driving Remaining less Mandatory Break time (assuming break is taken appropriately)
Remaining DrivingDaily Driving time the driver has left as of Last Update Time
Remaining OnDutyDaily On-duty time the driver has left as of Last Update Time
Remaining Total OnDutyTotal On-duty time the driver has left as of Last Update Time
Remaining Until Mandatory BreakThe Time Remaining Until a Break Must Be Taken
Remaining Shift OnDutyDaily Shift On-duty time the driver has left as of Last Update Time
Remaining Time Before Required Day OffTime driver has left before Required Day Off as of Last Update Time
Current Sub StatusThe Status the driver was in as of Last Update Time
Last Status Start TimeThe time the drivers current status was initiated
Status LocationThe location when the drivers current status was initiated
In ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a violation
In Driving ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a Driving violation
In OnDuty ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a OnDuty violation
In Total OnDuty ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a TotalOnDuty violation
In Mandatory Break ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a Mandatory Break violation
In Shift OnDuty ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a Shift OnDuty violation
In Required Day Off ViolationIdentifies if the driver is currently in a Required DayOff violation
Drive Time Available TomorrowDaily Driving time the driver will have available tomorrow
Mandatory BreakTime of Mandatory Break
Driving Since Last ResetDaily Driving time the driver has used since Last Full Reset
OnDuty Since Last ResetDaily On-duty time the driver has used since completing a 10 hour break
Total OnDuty Since Last ResetTotal On-duty time the driver has used since Last Full Reset
Complete Reset Started OnWhen the last Complete Reset Started (34hr)
Complete Reset Ended OnWhen the last Complete Reset Ended (34hr)
Contiguous Reset Ended OnWhen the last Contiguous Reset Ended (10hr)
Split Reset Ended OnWhen the last Split Reset Ended
Projected Complete Reset DateEstimated dateTime driver will be available following next valid 34hr reset. ETA After Total Reset is only valid at the time record was CalculatedOn the device as circumstances may have changed since that time
IsEligibleFor16hrDriver is eligible for a 16hr reset
Hos TypeDrivers current Hos Type
Operational ExemptionDriver has and operational Exemption
Carrier NameCarrier name
Carrier DOT NumberCarrier DOT Number
BillOfLadingsBill of ladings

Data Update Frequency

As Hos Current Totals are meant for use in Dispatch record updates are communicated to the data center in near real time and immediately available on the portal and any integrations when the following conditions occur:

  • On any Position Update (default is every 20 minutes)
  • Driver changes Status
  • Driver goes into Violation
  • Driver Logs On/Off of the ELD