Provides history and detail of Hos Logs which have been sent to the FMCSA in Standard Output format

Provides history and detail of Hos Logs which have been sent to the FMCSA in Standard Output format


Enforcement Request History provides the detail for each time ELD Hos Logs were sent to FMCSA using Standard Output Format.
DriverTech provides the ability to generate a Standard Output File of specific ELD Hos Logs in the following ways:

Full detail of what is included in the Standard Output File, modes of sending to FMCSA, and Response Status codes can be found in the ELD_ICD_Development_Handbook.pdf


Use the selector to choose a specific [Driver], [Driver Group], or [ALL] and a [DateRange] OR use the default values selected THEN select [Get Results] to obtain a list of records.

Requested On, Requested By

The date on which the Standard Output was generated and sent to FMCSA and the Individual which Executed the request


Driver, StartDate and EndDate

The Driver and Date Range of ELD Hos Logs which were included in the request 

File Comment

The Standard Output File Comment as provided by Enforcement Officer.
This value can be 'made up' as desired if performing [... as Test], see Log Details or Export Log

FMCSA Response

Response provided by FMCSA upon receipt and validation of the Standard Output File; You may Click on the value to view the result

FMCSA Provides the following to quantify the overall Validation Result of the submission and indicates the highest level of severity for any individual message:

Issue Count

Number of 'issues' FMCSA identified when validating the Standard Output File which was submitted

Standard Output File of Included ELD Logs

This is the actual Standard Output File which was submitted to FMCSA. This file will include ONLY ELD Hos Logs if the selected Date Range includes both AOBR and ELD Logs.

Clicking on the Icon will display the file content in a new window.

NOTE: If you want to re-submit this same file, you should right-click and 'save link as' in order to preserve line endings because when displayed in a browser the line endings will be converted to CRLF automatically by your browser, but FMCSA will only accept line endings of CR. We have stored the document in the format accepted by FMCSA and 'save link as' will obtain the Standard Output File in the original format, bypassing any browser manipulation of the text.

PDF of Included Logs

PDF Representation of the Log Data for all logs (AOBR and ELD) in the selected Date Range. The PDF Export complies with §395.34(a)(2)

Sent to Enforcement

Indicates if the Submission was sent as a "Test" or passed along to Enforcement after validation